Product classification
Hainan Cocoa Butter
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Related Introduction
Sensory Index.
Color Value (K2Cr2O7/100ml)
SmellForming Structure
Light golden
0.14g K2Cr2O7/100mlH2SO4
clear and transparent
no burnt smoky, musty, smell and odor
clean and neat surface, solid and crisp
Physical and chemical Index.
Melting Point
Refractive index(N40℃)
Saponification value
Iodine value(gI/100g)
Unsaponification Value
5% Max.
30-34 ℃
1.75 Max.
35% Min.
hygienic indexpure quality, without any foreign impurity, meet the Food Sanitation StandardsPacking, Shelf life and Storage
Standard Packing
Shelf Life
Storage condition
In kraft paper bag with inner polyethylene liner of 25kg(net) / bag nett weight; 25.25 Gross Weight
2 Years in original package
Temperature: max.25℃    Relative moisture:  max:70%

Product Index

The cocoa butter (white strip) is divided into pure first pressed cocoa butter (white strip) and the removal of cocoa butter (white).Cocoa butter (white) can be used in food processing such as candy, chocolate, west point, etc., and it can also be used in chemical fields such as high grade soap manufacturing.Take off the cocoa butter to remove the natural cocoa aroma in the product, can easily add various spices, pigments and other additives into different flavors of chocolate and high-end cosmetics.Cocoa butter (butter) is bright lemon yellow to pale yellow, with natural cocoa aromas (no odor deodorizing butter), moisture and volatile matter 0.2% or less, free fatty acid FFA 1.75% or less, melting point in 30 ~ 34 ℃.



Producing areaWuxi

Apply:It is mainly used to produce various kinds of chocolate products, and is also used to produce various kinds of sweets, drinks, biscuits, cakes and so on

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